Thursday, September 15, 2011

Homemade Windmill - Renewable Energy

When the whole world is looking for ways to cope with the severe energy crisis, what is the least we can do? We need to begin by saving the power we have and generating more power using alternate power solutions like solar and wind power systems.

The implementation of a windmill is not considered very cheap; however, it turns out a huge money saver in the long run when the cost of producing power becomes zero. It has been observed lately that people are implementing wind power solutions even at places with the average speed of power less than 11 miles per hour. Ideally, the average speed of wind at the site you propose to set up the windmill at should be 11 miles per hour, but a slightly lower average is also reaping good results for people.

One thing that dissuades people from setting up a windmill is the initial cost. However, one can set up a windmill at home at a much less price. It is, however, important to consider certain things while setting up a windmill on your own.
• Get a good plan to make a windmill at home. Keep in mind the output you want the windmill to generate.

• Look for sturdy components. Your homemade windmill should not get damaged by heavy winds.
• Compare the prices of the equipment in the market and go for the components that suit your budget and your site.

When looking for a windmill plan, look for the following features:

• Illustrations: Visual descriptions work better than only-text ones. If your windmill guide has illustrative descriptions for making a windmill, it makes your task easier.

• Easy language: If your windmill-making guide uses a lot of jargon and technical information, it is better to look for a different one. Look for one that has easy-to-understand language making your task fluid.

• Component descriptions: Your homemade windmill guide should be able to provide you with detailed visual and textual descriptions of all the components you need to use. It is also important that the guide tells you which type of component works best for a site like yours.

• Local information: If your guide gives you information about the best available equipment in Europe while you are reading it from a countryside location in western USA, your guide is as good as useless. Look for a guide that provides equipment information of places around you.

Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill. Get our complete guide by clicking here.

Copyright 2009 Swerd Publishing Pty. Ltd.

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Living Off The Grid

The shortage of power, the rapid consumption of non-renewable energy, the ever-increasing demand for power supply, the daily warnings about our environment are enough signs to tell us that it’s time we do something. So, what can we do? For starters, how about living off the grid? If I have startled you with that proposition, let me tell you that living off the grid not only helps the environment and helps save power; it also cuts down our electricity bill substantially. Now, that’s a tangible benefit apart from all the good you will do to the world. Trust me, you will feel good doing this.

Let us first study the advantages of living off the grid:

• Reduced dependability on exhausting resources: Who wants to depend on public utilities all the time? Living off the grid helps you rely only on your resources and not the ones supplied by governments or corporations. How often have you cursed when faced with a power outage in the midst of some important work or a party? Wouldn’t you like to take charge of such factors affecting you life? With alternate power solutions, you can.

• Freedom of usage of naturally available resources: How would you feel when you don’t have to pay for the power you use? Wouldn’t it be delightful to use as much power as you want without worrying about the electricity meter? You can make use of the abundant power available in the nature to light up your home and make your food. The solar power solutions and the wind power solutions are the answers to your power quest (well, literally!).

• Reduced power costs, helping save your money: How would you feel if the electricity bills stop coming in your letter box? The alternate power solutions give you a return on investment very soon, thus making the power supply to your home eventually free!

• Making way for a healthier environment: Don’t you bless the people who planted trees years ago not expecting them to miraculously grow? They planted those trees for the future generations. Make the future of your future generations secure by giving them a greener, healthier world. Cut down on the usage of non-renewable sources of energy. Try to use water minimally. There is not much drinking water left for the next generations.

If you are thinking it is not very feasible to live off the grid, look for alternate power solutions and you will be surprised to learn that they are not only cost-effective but also extremely feasible.

Sky 4 Energy

Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill. Get our complete guide by clicking here.

Copyright 2009 Swerd Publishing Pty. Ltd.

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How to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

If you have been bogged by the enormous electricity bills you have been getting, it is time to take some concrete steps. You can reduce your electricity bills by following very simple steps.

This article will list some simple, easy-to-do things to reduce your electricity bill.

Limited use: Start with the room you are sitting in. If you were to take a call in another room or join your family at the dining table, would you just step out of your room without any concern for the electrical appliances in the room? If you would, stop right there, and look around. Switch off all the appliances even if you would be back in five minutes. Yes, even that will help. Every drop of water constitutes to the ocean.

Another thing to take care of here is what you perceive as an electronic appliance. Would you switch off the television set, turn off the fan, but not the light bulb? Yes, you need light, but not now when you are leaving the room. Taking care of these small things will go a long way in reducing the dreaded huge electricity bills.

Smart investments: Make some smart power investments by replacing your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. These bulbs are a great power-saving investment.

Buy the Power Save gadget. The gadget helps monitor the power supply to your house and uses the minimum that is needed.

Home appliance usage: Most of us complain that the electricity bill touches the sky because of the number of electrical appliances they have at home. However, the electricity bill is not directly proportional to the number of gadgets you use but the way you use them. Let’s see how you can avoid the typical power-wasters.

• Use the washing machine only when there is a full load of clothes.
• Keep the geyser on for the minimal amount of time.
• Keep the air-conditioner at the minimum low or high temperature, just  enough to keep you off the  heat or the cold outside.
• Switch off the computer monitor even when you take a one-minute break. It takes just a second to switch on the monitor again!

Yeah, you have to stick to this way of life for saving power at home and for the world.

Remember, reducing your electricity bill is equivalent to saving power, thus helping the world save power for its future generations.

Sky 4 Energy

Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill. Get our complete guide by Live Off Grid - Reduce Power Bill.

Copyright 2009 Swerd Publishing Pty. Ltd.

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